Motion Capture Stages around the world.

The Void

Drama Centre Building, – Flinders University – Bedford Park, South Australia 5042

The Void is a multipurpose production stage housed in Flinders University’s acclaimed Drama Centre. Incorporating motion capture and virtual production capability with Unreal Engine as unifying technology, The Void is a platform for creating screen experience of any kind.

20 Vicon Vantage V8 cameras and a 8D X 9W X 3H Meter (26 X 29 X 10 Feet) capture volume.

Facial Motion capture is delivered via one Faceware Mk4 and one Mark III wireless headcams with Faceware Analyzer and Shephard for capture and session management.

Stage is currently fitted with a 8 X 3 Meter LED wall with 1.9mm pitch LED’s.

The walls are managed by a NovaStar Processor, and the entire system managed through Unreal Engine to synchronise motion capture data with camera and visual assets in real time.

Data is captured into Vicon Shogun, and currently runs a real-time link to Unreal to preview capture and save sessions to disk.

Facility is in an agreement with Epic Games and Vicon to ensure we have up-to-date Unreal and Shogun software in place to support productions.

Exporting to Maya and Motionbuilder is in place.






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