Motion Capture Stages around the world.

Motion Capture Orlando

Orlando, Florida

We have a 15 x 30 foot home studio volume, with 28 Vicon cameras (Vero 2.2s and some B-10s) mounted high and low for excellent coverage. Mocap Supervisor Jeff Scheetz has been planning and directing mocap shoots for 25 years. When a larger volume is needed, we shoot at a nearby university, but still provide all the planning, direction,, and data cleaning. This stage is roughly a half basketball court with 28 Vicon Vantage Cameras.

Of course we welcome clients in the studio. Motion Capture Orlando can handle as much or as little of the shoot process as you need. MCO is division of Monkey Chow Animation Studios; a full-service computer animation production company. Our studio was also designed for remote capture. In addition to two witness cameras, we can feed video streams from Shogun, Mobu, or Unreal in any combination needed over Zoom. We also have a floor monitor so talent to see a remote director give them creative guidance. We can also connect you with talent. As the home of world-class theme parks, Orlando has a thriving community of actors, dancers, mimes, and stunt professionals.






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